Saturday, October 22, 2005
Libertarians: Anarchists without Integrity
I am reading a book right now that is discussing the American tradition of Anarchism, I am at a point where it discusses how a group of right wingers started to steal the word "libertarian" and use it to describe their anti-government free market ideas.
This book aptly points to the glaring problem with libertarianism.
Freedom from the pikes means death for the minnow.
In the
The metaphor I like to use is children at recess. Even if the “teacher” supervising the children is negligent, shows favoritism, and is generally cruel merely sending her away turns the playground over to the bullies.
Right wingers have found that “Might makes Right” doesn’t sell. So they started peddling, “Freedom from Government!” as "libertarians".
Instead of pushing the philosophy of “Let The Bullies Decide” libertarians are promoting “Send the Teacher Inside!!”
The result will be the same. Those with power steam rolling over everyone else. Replacing the "state" with robber barons.
Anarchist thinking realizes and works toward solutions to this problem.
While libertarians either ignore it or look forward to it.
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