Thursday, February 24, 2005
Our Beloved Leaders in NH
In this MegaVote for New Hampshire's 2nd Congressional District:
Recent Senate Votes
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2005 - Vote Passed (98-0, 2 Not Voting)The Senate approved this measure barring employers and insurance providers from discriminating against people on the basis of genetic information.Sen. Judd Gregg voted YES......send e-mail or see bio Sen. John Sununu voted YES......send e-mail or see bio
Recent House Votes
Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act - Vote Passed (389-38, 6 Not Voting)The House voted to raise the maximum fine for indecent radio and television broadcasts to $500,000.Rep. Charles Bass voted YES......send e-mail or see bio
Class Action Fairness Act - Vote Passed (279-149, 6 Not Voting)The House gave final approval to this bill that changes the rules governing class-action lawsuits.Rep. Charles Bass voted YES......send e-mail or see bio
Democracy for America - War on Social Security
The ridiculous image you can see here.
You won't be surprised to hear who they hired to publicize their efforts: the same team of hatchet men that ran the swift boat smear campaign against John Kerry. Now they are targeting the AARP, a group that millions of seniors rely on to defend their interests.
We must stop these people... now.
Sign our petition to stop these dishonest, bigoted attacks from spreading any further: - Election Reform
Several great bills have just been introduced in Congress to repair the embarrassing flaws in our election system -- from electronic voting machines to long lines to partisan election officials. Everyone's waiting to see if this new legislation will pick up speed or fall victim to partisan bickering. If we act right now, we can give these bills the early momentum they need.
Later we'll tell you more about how your contributions are exposing election errors in Ohio, but first we need your help to get this legislation moving. There's no time to lose: In the coming months, states are poised to buy a billion dollars worth of unreliable electronic voting machines without paper trails.
Can you speed election repairs by signing this new petition?
American’s United for Separation of Church and State
Don't Allow Federally-Funded Employment Discrimination in the Jobs-Training Bill!
The House of Representatives is expected to vote on H.R. 27, "The Job Training Improvement Act" next week. This is the first vote on the faith-based initiative and a crucial vote for the 109th congress. Since their inception in 1982, these job-training programs have included important civil rights protections against employment discrimination based on religion in programs that receive federal funds. The pending legislation would place existing civil rights law on the chopping block. It would allow faith based organizations to discriminate in hiring based on religion in government-funded jobs.
An amendment to reinstate civil rights protections may be offered on the floor by Representative Bobby Scott (D-VA). This civil rights amendment should be supported and if the protections are not reinstated, this bill should be defeated.
Taxpayer dollars should not be used to discriminate against employees because of their religion or religious beliefs. Tell your representative that you don't want taxpayers to subsidize religious discrimination in publicly-funded job training programs.
Take Action Now! <- web link to send an email
You can call the capitol switchboard toll-free at 1-877-762-8762. Once you've been connected with your representative's office let the person who answers the phone know that you're a constituent and say,
"As your constituent, I urge you to support the Scott amendment to the Jobs Training Improvement Act/H.R. 27 that would restore civil rights protections. If an amendment like this fails, I urge you to oppose the Job Training Improvement Act/H.R. 27 because it is an unjustified assault on civil rights protections in federally funded job training programs."