The Liberal Patriot Blog
 The Liberal Patriot Blog is dedicated to collecting and sharing information about National and State [New Hampshire] Political Action, News, and Events.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


William Rivers Pitt | Bush Is No Nixon
No mother who lost her son to this Iraq war should be made to stand in a ditch, writes TO contributor William Rivers Pitt. And yet that is exactly where Cindy Sheehan stands today, by the side of the road in Crawford, Texas.

9/11 Panel: 'Did Pentagon Withhold Hijacker Files?'
"I think this is a big deal," said John F. Lehman, a Republican member of the commission. "The issue is whether there was in fact surveillance before 9/11 of Atta and, if so, why weren't we told about it? Who made the decision not to brief the commission's staff or the commissioners?"

Shiite Rebels Oust Baghdad Mayor
"This is the new Iraq," said Mr. Tamimi, the deposed mayor. "They use force to achieve their goal."

Anger over Plan for Secret Courts in Britain
The thought of secret hearings in which the accused would not hear the cases against them filled her with dread, said the director of Liberty.

Michael Schwartz | The Bush Administration's Iranian Nightmare
It seems unimaginable that the world would be forced to endure the horror of nuclear war in a regional dispute, writes Professor Michael Schwartz. However, the record of Bush administration belligerence makes it difficult to imagine America's top leadership giving up the ambition of toppling the Islamic regime in Iran.

An Anti-War Film That Refuses to Be Banned

Like a live hand grenade brought home from a distant battlefield, the 34-year-old antiwar documentary "Winter Soldier" has been handled for decades as if it could explode at any moment.

Maureen Dowd | Why No Tea and Sympathy?
W. can't get no satisfaction on Iraq, writes New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd. There's an angry mother of a dead soldier camping outside his Crawford ranch, demanding to see a president who prefers his sympathy to be carefully choreographed.

Over 50,000 Pages of Roberts' Papers Held Back
White House aides are delaying the release of tens of thousands of documents from the Reagan administration to give themselves time to find any new surprises before they are turned into political ammunition by Democrats.

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