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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

"Fuck that Bitch"

Check out this Great Post from georgia10 on pre-fascist Hilary.

Personally I don't think men should be calling women "bitches" [unless they are rappers.] But Georgia10 is a women so it is ok for her to say it.

But Georgia10 is a women so it is ok for her to say it.

Would it be ok for one black persyn to call another n****r? One Latina/o to call another a sp*c? One Arab to call another towelh**d? Or should those words just be lost due to non-use?

I say the latter.
Actually niobium I was being TOTALLY sarcastic in my post. It isn't anymore ok for one person to use a slur against another than it is any one.

But you bring up an interesting point.

If a African American called another African American a n**** as a attack it would be LESS offensive than if a white person did. And therefore I guess, "more ok".

Check out the comedy of Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, and Richard Pryor for more example of this.

Actually African Americans do call each other n*****. The word which once was ENTIRELY a horrid racial slur, some African Americans have taken away from racists and made it a term of brotherhood amoung themselves.

Check out just about any "hood" movie or recordings of rap music.

Which do you think it more likely that a word will disappear from lack of use OR that the objects of ridicule can take the word away from their attackers and redefine it for themselves.
Jon: I missed the sarcasm, my bad.
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