Thursday, November 03, 2005
Online Freedom of Speech Act
I was on the road yesterday, and was unfortunately unable to follow the action of the Online Freedom of Speech Act. But seeing how things panned out (the bill failed), it was definitely one of those days when we in the netroots got a chance to see who believed and supported our medium and who didn't.Full post @ daily kosRemember, this is legislation that was first proposed by Harry Reid in the Senate. This was the House version of the exact same Reid bill.
I found out that Common Cause, which had given me a personal assurance they would stay out of this fight, wasn't a trustworthy organization whose word I could trust. (In an email explanation to me, they claimed that despite their backstabbing, I had nothing to worry about anyway since this bill was going to pass easily.)
But rather than dwell on the negative, I'd like to thank those Democrats who didn't fall prey to the fear mongering of the campaign finance groups. These are the Democrats who care about nurturing and protecting our nascent medium from those who'd rather destroy it.
Joe Baca (CA)
John Barrow (GA)
Howard Berman (CA)
Stanford Bishop (GA)
Earl Blumenauer (OR)
Dan Boren (OK)
Rick Boucher (VA)
Sherrod Brown (OH)
Michael Capuano (MA)
Dennis Cardoza (CA)
Ben Chandler (KY)
Lacy Clay (MO)
John Conyers (MI)
Jim Costa (CA)
Bud Cramer (AL)
Henry Cuellar (TX)
Lincoln Davis (TN)
Anna Eshoo (CA)
Chaka Fattah (PA)
Stephanie Herseth (SD)
Mike Honda (CA)
Steny Hoyer (MD)
Patrick Kennedy (RI)
Barbara Lee (CA)
(A special thanks to my local congresswoman)Zoe Lofgren (CA)
Jim Matheson (UT)
Cynthia McKinney (GA)
Charlie Melancon (LA)
John Murtha (PA)
Collin Peterson (MN)
Nick Rahall (WV)
Mike Ross (AR)
Tim Ryan (OH)
John Salazar (CO)
Loretta Sanchez (CA)
David Scott (GA)
Jose Serrano (NY)
Adam Smith (WA)
Ted Strickland (OH)
Mike Thompson (CA)
Mark Udall (CO)
Maxine Waters (CA)
Diane Watson (CA)
Lynn Woolsey (CA)
Albert Wynn (MD)As for those congressman running for higher office:
OH-Gov: Ted Strickland voted for it
OH-Sen: Sherrod Brown voted for it
TN-Sen: Harold Ford voted against it
VT-Sen: Bernie Sanders voted against it(Hypothetical NJ senate candidates)
And the DCCC's Rahm Emanuel voted against it.
NJ-Sen: Bob Menendez didn't vote
NJ-Sen: Frank Pallone voted against it
NJ-Sen: Rob Andrews voted against it