The Liberal Patriot Blog
 The Liberal Patriot Blog is dedicated to collecting and sharing information about National and State [New Hampshire] Political Action, News, and Events.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A good time to be a Democrat!

Great news nationally!

We now have Democratic Governors in Jersey and Virginia…. a special thanks goes to George W Bush for making the Virginia win possible!!!

Maine voted down the referendum to allow discrimination against gays. The Kansas [Dover] school board that wanted intelligent design in the class room has been COMPLETELY replaced by 8 NEW DEMOCRATS!! EVERYONE of Arnold’s initiatives in California were defeated!! AND a “Democrat” mayor in St Paul Minnesota who SUPPORTED BUSH for president was ousted by a REAL democrat.

All and all a great democratic showing!

The bad news is that Bloomberg bought the Mayoral race in NYC [he spent $118 PER VOTER!], the OHIO vote initiatives were voted down [badly worded], Texas has passed an amendment to ban gay marriage [which may also ban straight marriage!! Ehehe], and Baines lost his Mayoral race in Manchester, NH. Also Laconia, NH decided to CAP town spending. So look for there schools to go down the toilet [even more so].

New Liberal Patriot Podcast coming out today!!!

Not to pee on the parade, but Kaine in VA is a pretty right wing Democrat, who is essentially anti-choice.
Hey, is wjcowie the guy with the "I"?
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