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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

National Review's Conservative Bash: Who was there, Who wasn't there....

Guess who was at the 50th Birthday bash for William Buckley's Ultra-Conservative [and sometimes racist] National Review magazine?

Remember, Buckley helped fellow neocon Lieberman win his Senate seat by ousting the then-liberal Republican Weicker with a challenge from the right. (Weicker is now a liberal independent, still well to the left of Lieberman.)

As noted in the comments, Lieberman didn't just attend, but he sat at the head table with Buckley and Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh says they had a nice chat.

from Daily Kos

Guess who was expected but never showed up?

Raw Story reports:

Vice President Dick Cheney was noticeably absent from a landmark dinner held last Thursday for the 50th anniversary of the conservative National Review magazine, Roll Call will report in Tuesday editions.

While guests raved about the gourmet food served at the National Review’s 50th anniversary party Thursday night, they couldn’t take their minds off who wasn’t there: Vice President Cheney. His absence dredged up the question that dominated the blogosphere in recent months: Where’s Dick? “Not here,” was the short answer. “Scheduling conflict,” the party line.

Cheney was supposed to speak at the dinner at 7:30. For health reasons, he wanted to move his slot to 7:00. They couldn't change it, and he ended up not going.

from TalkLeft Blog

Satan must have had other plans for him. A bargin's a bargin.

William F. Buckley and I share the same birthday.

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