Sunday, October 09, 2005
Miers is qualified.... for a woman.
WILLIAM KRISTOL: I was opposed to the president nominating [Alberto] Gonzalez, but I think it is absolutely the case just on the merits that Judge Gonzalez was more qualified than Harriet Meiers.
BRIT HUME: I think, Chris, that to the extent that the president flinched, he flinched on this point, and that is he decided it had to be a woman and/or a minority, and that narrowed the field. And I think it’s also the case that while he had just named to the appellate bench some quite likely seeming candidates, Priscilla Owen being one, Janice Rogers Brown another, and after prolonged battles, lasting years, gotten them confirmed, I think that he was still operating from a much narrower list. And in that context, she looked much better than she would have against a full field, men and women alike.
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