Tuesday, September 27, 2005
The Sexy David Sirota, wrote an awesome cover story for "In These Times"
David perfectly crystalizes the argument that Bush cuts caused the Katrina disaster. Read it here. DEFINATELY CHECKOUT THE TIMELINE!!!
Huffington post says this about it:
Huffington post says this about it:
Think it's hyperbole to say that President Bush's tax cutting agenda significantly contributed to the disaster that followed Hurricane Katrina? Think again. As meticulously documented in this new cover story for In These Times magazine, the White House repeatedly ignored desperate calls to better-fund flood/hurricane prevention infrastructure in recent years, and instead pushed more and more tax cuts for the very wealthy.Just look at the timeline that is included with the article - year after year explicit decisions were made to ignore the Gulf Coast's crumbling infrastructure in order to pay for more tax breaks for the wealthy. It all begs one question: when will the tax cut madness end?