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Thursday, September 22, 2005

GOP government is as bad as they want it to be.

I can't help but think that the whole right wing "You can't trust the government." and "The government can't do anything right." is a self fulfilling prophecy. By self fulfilling, I mean by conservatives being elected to any office.

Media outlets around the country are reporting that trucks loaded with millions of pounds of ice meant for the Gulf region are popping up nationwide. FEMA redirected the trucks away from the South after realizing they had ordered too much ice, but the agency is paying truckers up to $900 a day to sit idly in their trucks far away from the affected areas.

“The $9,000 they’re paying me to move this load should have gone to some family down there,” one disgruntled trucker said. “There is definitely millions being wasted that could go to people who need it.”

Here’s where the FEMA “Icecapades” tour has been so far:

- Boise, Idaho

- Portland, Maine

- Glouster, Massachusetts

- Joplin, Arkansas

- Memphis, Tennessee

- Fremont, Nebraska

- Upper Macungie Township, Pennsylvania

- Cumberland, Maryland

Look for it in a town near you!

from thinkprogress

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