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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

She'd make a GREAT president!!!

Check out Sen. Hillary Clinton’s (D) courageous comments in the New York Times today.

Abetting the conservative agenda, Clinton said in some of her sharpest language, is a Washington press corps that has become a pale imitation of the Watergate-era reporters who are being celebrated this month amid the identification of the anonymous Washington Post source, Deep Throat. “The press is missing in action, with all due respect,” she said. “Where are the investigative reporters today? Why aren’t they asking the hard questions? It’s shocking when you see how easily they fold in the media today. They don’t stand their ground. If they’re criticized by the White House, they just fall apart. I mean, c’mon, toughen up, guys, it’s only our Constitution and country at stake. Let’s get some spine.”

from thinkprogress blog

I am tired of hearing uninformed people parrot the talking point that Hilary isn't "ready" for the presidency or that she is a "bad choice" because the right wing would go after her. Or that old DEAN cop out… she’s too LIBERAL!!

HEY WAKEUP!! The right wing will go after anyone... even a goody two shoes war hero...

AND guess what a lot of people LOVE her

AND a lot of WOMAN who don't vote would vote for her just because she is a woman.

AND GUESS WHAT... it's about time dems ran a candidate that the public actually gives a damn about.. one way or the other.... instead sticking to ho hum candidates that they think they can sneak under the radar of the right wing smear machine…

She'd make a triangulating DLC president. No thanks.
I don't think she would. I think she is will no doubt get the same horrible advice that Clinton did and she might take it.

BUT... that's what the primaries are for to see whether she takes a nose dive to the right or sticks to her beliefs.

I have already given her money.
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