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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The DLC is a cancer on the democratic party.....

well maybe not a cancer... more like a carcinogenic leach of some sort.. that while is sucks your blood out it spits back in radioactive poisons that make every remaining second of your life more painful then the last….

The DLC [or democratic leadership council] is basically all the democrats that are corporate whores. These are the politicians that represent the interests of lobbyists and corporations FIRST AND FOREMOST above all others.

These are the politicians that exemplify the concept that “the 2 major parties are the same” that “all politicians are owned by lobbyists for large corporations.” These are the politicians that put a lie to every progressive idea the democratic party tries to stand for.

These are the politicians that most exemplify all the reasons Americans no longer participate or believe in their government.

These are the cowards, the democratic party, that are killing democracy. [Or at least willing accomplices to the murder.]

They have set the democrats on a path to permanent minority status. They have handed over the government to the republicans and corporations. They have betray ever ideal of the democratic party, progressive politics, and democracy at the whims of the highest bidding lobbyists.

ALSO... they wrote this craptastic PRO-CAFTA article

Read all this info about why CAFTA is bad bad bad bad bad bad bad…..

More from sirotablog about CAFTA See here, here, here, here and here.

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