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 The Liberal Patriot Blog is dedicated to collecting and sharing information about National and State [New Hampshire] Political Action, News, and Events.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Nh Peace Action Victory

This Good News from the New Hampshire Peace Action Yahoo Group:

Dear Proponents of Peace and Adversaries of the "Bunker Buster" research:

Please find an update from David Culp, a nuclear disarmament lobbyist from Friends Committee on National Legislation, below. Many of you have contacted Rep. Bradley on the bunker buster issue and/or written letters to local papers.
Thank you for mobilizing around Rep. Bradley--you're amazing!


------------------------from David Culp, of FCNL (5/16/2005):
"Many thanks for all the hard work on the nuclear bunker buster. It has already paid off. Unexpectedly, the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces last Thursday deleted all the funds in the Energy Department's budget for the bunker buster. The deal was a bipartisan agreement reached before the subcommittee meeting. The Republican majority was willing to strike a deal because they were worried they were going to loose on the floor of the House next week. This is a big victory for us.

Rep. Jeb Bradley is a member of the full committee. Exactly what role he played (if any) in deleting the bunker buster funds I don't know as all the negotiations were done behind closed door.

On the same day the House Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee also voted to terminate the program.

There is unlikely to be any votes on the floor of the House this year because of the cuts in committee. There will be one or more votes on the Senate floor, perhaps as soon as the week of May 23. That date could slip as the Senate may tie itself in knots over the filibuster fight.

FCNL and other groups in Washington are shifting our efforts to the Senate. If the House cuts the funds and the Senate approves it, it will go to a conference committee to be resolved. We are likely to lose a floor vote in Senate. However, the closer the vote, the better our chances of winning in conference committee.

Gregg and Sununu are not near the top of my list of possible Republican votes. However, we have picked up support from Republican representatives that I never thought we could get, because of strong grassroots pressure.We are working on a Senate action alert that will be up on our web site ( some time tomorrow."

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