Friday, April 29, 2005
SB125 - small business insurance law
SB125 is the Senate version of SB110 reform. They have incorporated some key components of House Bill 611 as amended and passed by the House. SB125 makes certain changes in the small employer health insurance law, including:
I. Repealing health status and geographic location as rating factors for small group health insurance.
II. Adding a definition of case characteristics and certain other definitions.
III. Clarifying overall premium rate variability in the small group health insurance market.
(3.5 to 1 ratio and 20% cap)
IV. Clarifying the small group health insurance law regarding premium rates for small employer groups with similar case characteristics.
V. Establishing the New Hampshire small employer health reinsurance pool to offer pool coverage to eligible employees of small employers
This bill passed the Senate on Apirl 7th. It is now in the commerce committee. The bill is scheduled to for a hearing in House Commerce on Thursday, May 5 at 11:00 am.
Sorry this is so dry I haven't had a chance to research this bill much yet. Martha McLeod who gave us the tip on this legislation says that she believes this is a good bill for the North Country. More too come check back soon!
The link to the bill text is here.