The Liberal Patriot Blog
 The Liberal Patriot Blog is dedicated to collecting and sharing information about National and State [New Hampshire] Political Action, News, and Events.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


Senator Susan Collins is uncertain whether she supports the Smith-Bingaman amendment that would save Medicaid and protect needy families.

Senator Collins' vote is extremely important in passing the Smith-Bingaman amendment and preventing massive cuts to Medicaid. Please call Senator Collins and urge her to support the Smith-Bingaman amendment: 1-202-224-2523

The message to the Senator is simple:
" Please support the Smith-Bingaman amendment to strike cuts to Medicaid. "

- Planned Parenthood of Northern New England

The Senate will vote as early as this afternoon on two bipartisan amendments that would provide much needed assistance to postsecondary students and students preparing for college, and would prevent the elimination of the Vocational Education program.

The amendment by Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) would restore three college prep programs aimed at low-income students (TRIO, LEAP and GEAR UP). The programs are targeted for elimination in President Bush's budget. In addition, the amendment would add money to the Pell Grant program to improve access to a college education for low-income students, and it would provide student loan forgiveness to new math, science, and special education teachers in high need schools.

The Tom Harkin (D-IA) amendment would restore $1.3 billion in funding for the Perkins Career and Technical Education program, which was eliminated in President Bush's budget. This program is responsible for providing technical skills and specialized coursework to students in high schools and in two-year colleges.

Call 202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to your Senators or e-mail your Senators to urge him/her to support the Harkin amendment and the Kennedy Higher Education/Job Training amendment. If you get a busy signal when you call, try again later! Your Senators need to know your budget priorities.

- National Education Association

Could the U.S. Senate really vote against a bill that would end insurance discrimination that favors Viagra over the Pill, funds teen-pregnancy prevention programs, and educates women about the morning-after pill?

This week, Senators Harry Reid and Hillary Rodham Clinton, who stand on opposite sides of the abortion debate, will offer an amendment to the Senate budget to set aside $100 million for programs that will help reduce the need for abortion by preventing unintended pregnancy.

Please click here to tell your senators to vote "yes" on the Reid-Clinton prevention amendment.
It's a reasonable package that both pro-choice AND pro-life senators should be able to support. But the vote is too close to call. Your senators need to hear from you TODAY.

- NARAL Pro-choice America

It is also important to note that the budget resolution to allow arctic drilling doesn’t have the force of law, although it is the first step in the budget process that can lead to legislation being enacted. The Arctic drilling provision makes an already controversial budget even more contentious. The budget process is long and complex, and the outcome is far from certain. Congress hasn’t passed a budget bill in recent years.

I am counting on your continued support. Please take action now to urge your representative to keep Arctic drilling out of the House budget resolution and to urge your representative and senators to cosponsor legislation designating the coastal plain of the refuge as federal wilderness.
Making that incredible area a wilderness is the only way to end the fight over oil development.

- Conservation Action Network

We have a chance to stop Arctic drilling by preventing the passage of the entire budget, of which Arctic drilling is a part.

Please urge your senators to vote against the budget because it includes Arctic drilling.

To take action, click on this link or paste it into your web browser:

- New Hampshire Public Interest Research Group

Another Action to stop artic drilling. Please do them ALL!

Click here to write to your Senators and tell them how you feel about their vote.

Let them hear from you before the Senate votes again.

- League of Conservation Voters

An amendment to the budget that would protect the pristine Arctic Refuge, introduced by Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), will be considered by the Senate today or tomorrow.We've won in the past by the votes of three votes in the Senate, but last year's election brought three new pro-drilling Republican senators to Washington. Victory is quite literally one vote away in the Senate, but we need hundreds of phone calls pouring into Senate offices immediately.

Your senator could be a deciding factor.Please call the office of Sen. Gregg today at the number below.
Senator Judd Gregg DC Phone: 202-224-3324

When you call be sure the staffer who answers knows you're a constituent, and then urge your senator to:"Vote to support the Cantwell-Kerry amendment to keep Arctic drilling OUT of the budget resolution."
Please let us know you're making this important call, at:


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