The Liberal Patriot Blog
 The Liberal Patriot Blog is dedicated to collecting and sharing information about National and State [New Hampshire] Political Action, News, and Events.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Click here now to keep the Arctic Refuge free from drilling -- Tell your Senators to vote for the Cantwell Amendment.
- League of Conservation Voters

Just as new scandals concerning alleged ethical violations by House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) and other Members have erupted in recent days, the House Ethics Committee has become virtually powerless. The reason? Rules passed at the beginning of 2005 make it virtually impossible for the Committee to launch any investigation of unethical conduct.

Rep. Alan Mollohan (D-WV), the senior Democrat on the Ethics Committee, is leading the charge to reject the new rules and is calling on his House colleagues, Democrats and Republicans, to join him in cosponsoring a resolution that would roll back the most onerous rule changes.
- Common

Starting [March 14th], the House and Senate will begin debate on budget resolutions that could cut up to $20 billion in the Medicaid program and force changes in the program which could end vital health care services to women and families.

Our only hope at stopping these brutal cuts is an amendment to be offered by Senators Gordon Smith (R-OR) and Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) which would eliminate the Senate Medicaid cuts. The Smith-Bingaman amendment must pass when voted on later this week.

Tell your Senators to support the Smith-Bingaman amendment by calling 1-800-828-0498 The message to Senators is simple: " Please support the Smith-Bingaman amendment to strike cuts to Medicaid. "
- Planned Parenthood of Northern New England

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